Individual Clients
“A unique science, a pioneer in the area of human technology”
“A recent study by Leadership IQ, found that 46% of new hires will fail in 18 months while only 19% will achieve unequivocal success”
We are all prisoners of our own conditioning and many of us entered or will enter careers for all the wrong reasons. Very few of us followed our hearts and did by inclination what we should have done.
“Find a job you really enjoy and you never have to work again”
Personal DNA Profiling is the ultimate process in identifying who we really are and what we should be doing to lead a productive and fulfilled life.
The process is valid from around 16 years of age, upwards.
We at DL Consulting utilise our vast experience of life to compliment this unique process and have a track record of successfully helping individuals at all stages of their lives and careers.
From career beginnings to career transition to the maximisation of performance and satisfaction in your current role.

Charles Coney
Managing Director, Securitas Mobile & Technology UK & Ireland
“During the past year Andy has been my career coach – and friend – providing challenging and insightful career counseling and advice. At the start of the process I completed a Personal DNA Profile, which has afforded me clarity in my career direction. I have no hesitation in recommending Andy”
June 10. 2014.